Book Creator is a great platform for students to create and publish books on any topic. While the concept might seem simple, there are a variety of projects Book Creator can be used to produce. I have listed 5 ways to use Book Creator that allow students to produce something more than, 'just a book'. Each idea takes the concept of book creation to the next level.

Audio Books: Students can turn their Book Creator books into an eBook using the audio recording feature. Each page can have multiple audio files.
Choose Your Own Adventure Books: Have students write their own 'choose your own adventure' book adding hyperlinks from one page to another to continue the story down the chosen path. Book Creator allows for pictures, text and shapes to be hyperlinked.
Reflection: When students have completed a project you would like them to reflect on, have them add a page to a reflection journal on Book Creator and use the camera tool to take a picture of their work before writing a reflection.
How To Books: Students can not only write a how to book, but record themselves following the steps they describe in their text and embed the video on the page; all within Book Creator.
Comic Books: Have students choose a comic template when selecting their book layout and they will be able to produce an entire comic book. Choosing a comic template also gives students access to special backgrounds, containers and images that are in a comic style. I have had students use the comic template to produce comic books depicting social emotional skills, and historic events.